Hello lovelies!
How was your Christmas?? Mine was awesome.
I thought I would post a few pics from my NEW CAMERA!! Yep, I know you are jealous. But my sweetie got it for me and I have been on a picture taking rampage ever since. You can only take pics with your iPhone for so long :(
Anywho...the best part of the season for me is giving gifts and seeing the reaction on the faces of those I love.
Here are some of those reactions from young to younger!

My sweet Daddy opening his gift from Daniel and I, The West Wing on DVD. The entire series!
He loves Aaron Sorkin and politics and has been asking for this gift for ,oh, maybe five years.
His face says it all.

Sam wants everything Star Wars and so we gifted accordingly. He got a wall clock with Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker on it and a huge book containing all the information about Star Wars that anyone could ever want to know. Needless to say, he was pleased with this gift!

Here is my super cute Momma showing us her new sweater Uggs. Comfy cozy!

I got Daniel new TOMS, cologne and aftershave and the TRON soundtrack. I think his smile says it all.
My soon to be nieces Lauren with her Toy Story Memory game and Asia with her V-Reader. Lauren also got a bike and they got pillow pets from yours truly. I tried to post a video of their brother but I need to figure out this formatting first! Their sweet Mommy was sick so I did the nice sister-in-law to be thing and didn't take photos. Next time Hosanna!
Me, my noodle Rachel and Li!
How cute is my Mom!
Thanks again to everyone who gave me a gift, hug, kiss, plate of food or sweet treat!
Now, let's finish this year up cause I am itching to start 2011!
Why? Is anything special happening in 2011?
Jut a lot of travel, a wedding, a move and a lot of out of town visits!
Thanks for the UGGS! My feet are toasty warm. What a nice Christmas - good to see you blogging again.
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